This is a volunteer's expedient list of pythagorean hylozoic links.
Attempts were made to list 100% excerpts with nothing else added.
higher kinds of atomic consciousness
Mathematical Terminology of Hylozoics
the matter aspect is the only one to make scientific exactness possible
laws are the ways in which energies act
This is no isolated law, but laws are a complex
five proofs ... of the correctness of hylozoics
as many kinds of energy as there are atomic kinds and molecular kinds.
lowest ... contains all the 48 higher
"science" has an air of infallibility which is grotesque
Science Cannot Find the True Causes
from those consciousnesses a flash that affords the solution
solid, liquid, gaseous, etheric, superetheric, subatomic, and atomic
nuclear explosions disrupt the planetary etheric envelope
a total revolution in medical thinking
Teaching yourself requires power of reflection.
Accept nothing without a sufficient ground.
For the mentalist the responsibility is greater
critical thought gradually manages to clarify
failure to keep scientific and esoteric concepts apart results in confusion of ideas
The superconscious is esoteric.
celebrated and admired are those who synth...contemporary ideas .... popularize discoveries
infinitely important that people realize this
born into circumstances that directly counteract our developed basic instinct
clarifies that responsibility is inevitable
All the forms of nature are envelopes.
The law of self-realization is an unshakable, inescapable law
the monad .... is the human self, properly speaking.
Different Kinds of Consciousness
The causal envelope is man's one permanent envelope.
smallest possible part of primordial matter
seven kinds of mental consciousness
afforded esoteric the epistemological groundwork
occultists are stuffed with all manner of fictions
They will be corrected eventually during thousands of incarnations
envy which is called jealousy, an incurable disease
Anyone who does not see and realize this counteracts evolution and . . .
all wise men in all ages have been of the same religion
eternal conflict between... evolution and those who fight evolution
more conscious of an ever increasing part of this total consciousness.
Life would be a paradise if all lived to serve.
historians of religions are utterly unable to assess the pertaining historical teachings
If you want to use the word “ god” instead of “ law” and “ life”, you may do so.
from the stage of barbarism to .... the worlds of knowledge and unity
the ruling untrue idiologies, which mislead, brutalize, and satanize
All the messengers .. have paid dearly for ... some few fragments of .... the knowledge of life
consciousness aspect .... is the one to solve the problem of idiologies
judicial bureaucracy with its cult of fictions
liberated from its historical illusions and fictions.
everybody is..responsible for.…his own erroneous views
dogmatic clinging to obsolete views are still seen
disoriented, idiotized, and hypnotized by the black lodge
New Thought rids the teaching of Christos of all theology
no god in the entire cosmos can forbid anything or judge anybody
all wise men in all ages have been of the same religion
... reverence .... for all at a higher stage of development
Blind acceptance of even " divine decrees" .... evidences lack of insight
dogmas instead of working hypotheses and so became the enemy of research
historians of religions are utterly unable to assess the pertaining historical teachings
If you want to use the word “ god” instead of “ law” and “ life”, you may do so.
Why did they condemn those facts as heresies?
they will prove that Christos is not Christos
unable to realize the meaning of reincarnation and the law of reaping
The secret gnostic order of knowledge was founded
Not until historians realize this will mankind be liberated
that historians have not clarified this demonstrates their ignorance
The distress of mankind in all respects is enormous.
greatest possible disservice to the “ dead”
It is these hidden factors that have been at work.
It is a system which all researchers can use
Freedom.... must be acquired during the sojourn in the human kingdom
freedom is won through law and through expedient application of law
esotericians have been objectivists who have constructed their systems on facts
By meditating we send that idea of unity out into the mental world .
esoterics, which provides quite sufficient explanations
Goethe: "I do not write to please you. You should learn something.”
We are reborn until we have learnt to use our envelopes expediently.
who will seek for a tenable world view and life view
work of higher kingdoms for human consciousness development
There are two kinds of seekers.
Meditation vitalizes those etheric centres which are already active.
learns how to control its envelopes of incarnation
ignorant of their past ... of thousands of incarnations they have already covered
'body" belongs to worlds 47-49; "soul" to 45-47, and "spirit" to 43-45
In those two worlds the fools may romp for eons
They will be corrected eventually during thousands of incarnations
free from anxiety and fear, from sorrows and concerns hitherto believed to be his self
understanding counteracting a critical attitude
wholly different idea of responsibility ...relations…causes..of future effects
world of ideas and affirming its existence, Platon came close
Without knowledge of the laws of life, however, reason is arbitrariness.
modern inferiority complex . . . . more correctly termed equality complex
Democracy in fact means: Nobody above me.
Hylozoic Math of Consciousness
End Note: Succinct excerpts fit in the palm of the hand to easily focus specific parts from the wide selection provide by Pythagorean hylozoics.
Later, the excerpts can serve as a handy reminder to plan longer readings.
Lasting, linked excerpts may hold some visibility in www search results for the original Laurency and Adelskogh works, to assist true seekers with better better www-information than the many confusing presentations on-line, from “mystagogues, charlatans, and impostors”.
Configuration Content And Layout Copyright 2024 by Bo Atkinson - Excerpted texts are copyrighted here and here - Source texts are copyrighted by The Henry T. Laurency Publishing Foundation & Hylozoic Studies of Sweden - All rights reserved .
Typos for Bo's work will be saved here.