Branching U Tube Thermal Siphon For Annualized Heat Storage

Addressing Cold-Wet Ground Conditions Found In The US Northeast

In addition to drain-pipe drainage, stored-warmth is possible to force downwards through drain pipes. In summer, subsoil can be warmed by surplus solar warmth and conveyed (through strategically conveyed drain pipes), for prolonged ambient temperature stabilization. Insulation can enclose soil around a house so that a sizable mass of earth will hold heat, which is strategically conveyed through the ground, (continuously through the changes of seasons). Continued supplementation of solar heat conveyed through a very large volume of earth can stabilize temperatures around the foundation of a building. Outdoors could be the worst heat wave or the worst cold, while the summer heated soil mass stabilizes indoor temperatures. This strategy can significantly reduce energy expenditures for indoor temperature stabilization.

Thermal stabilization is conveyed by a thermal syphon of air traveling through closed or open loops of drainpipe, which has been buried in trenches. During warm months, the excess heat indoors will naturally warm and naturally rise the air within the drain pipes which are buried against the buried or berm wall. The warned air forces a convection loop to convey warmth laterally, and away from the building wal, (underground)l. A larger mass or soil is somewhat warmed for the winter months, because the insulation above the pipes largely prevents winter cooling.

Here is a self heating house model which employs branching u tubes to accelerate heat transfer. The living space could perhaps be larger, even with a second story added above ground. As drawn it might serve in extremely cold-wet climates. The only heat-system costs are tubes and insulation which may be purchased along with hired labor. The job to insulate around the perimeter of the earth mass would largely be accomplished with a back hoe by digging a perimeter ditch. This ditch is additionally important to intercept and drain ground water and keep the house site dry as possible.(Drainage tubing and sand may also be needed, house building has numerable tasks). Below is another picture-set displaying only the tubes with surrounding insulation, for simpler clarity.

This visual-schematic system amplifies heat exchange and conceivably might reduce ventilator tubing needs.  The use of two perimeter tubes along with radial tubes near to the outdoor ground surface is the main focus offered here. It is perhaps more complex than other earth heating systems reported out there. It does however save labor by combining the important dug drain, additional insulation and the outer perimeter tube installation. Also, house-air- ventilation tubes might take advantage of this outer perimeter path. It would connect through the "U Connector Closet" in first picture. A simple solar chimney is also needed, (or green house in it's place).

As of 2006, the green building movement has yet to celebrate an otherwise ignored technology. This complete independence is implied by some amazing successes which have already been pioneered. Various terms have been suggested i.e.: Passive Annualized Heat Storage, PAHS, Annualized Geothermal AGS. Semi-buried houses hold many advantages for this more thorough and economical "green technology". Otherwise, unburied houses must be "buried" with piles of super-insulation. Minimalist-window- super insulating has achieved green popularity. However, it still depends on some heating fuel, (though a conserving amount of fuel). To open a house up with more windows and at the same time not consume imported fuels at all, is the domain of massive-thermal-storage like PAHS or AGS. The chief obstacle is combining geology with architecture which stretches belief and skill. It is left to pioneers to explore the ramifications. The incentive is fuller green living, bringing more daylight and scenery in for health, while not promoting world havoc for energy. This model is the result of intuitive speculation, spurred by reported successes with underground houses.

Concepts For Building "Green" Above Ground

The content on this website,, is placed in the public domain only as a free exchange of ideas and as a "hard studied wish to serve life". The author assumes no responsibility for the improper use of the concepts in these web pages. All relevant laws of life and local codes should be verified and observed before any building or experimentation proceeds.
