A Pythagorean Hylozoic Aspiration
After five decades, (1968 to 2018), of pursuing mixed trades for a living and searching through printed-paper-book sources for life-explanatory knowledge, a far preferable explanatory-system was found which provides a comprehensive check list to well suit independent seeking. Rural isolation allowed natural sounding concepts of esoterics to be heard. A hylozoic systemization of all existence was welcomed.
Graphical conceptualization had long served the search of knowledge as well as probing structural work. A physicalist perspective of structure for technologies and philosophies had also patiently assessed spiritual mysticism and visual arts, all in order to respectfully understand the human situations all through literary histories. Finding larger hypotheses became possible in older age. The modern vicinity of Pythagoras' small colony is scanned by arial photo "outside the town of Taormina in Sicily:"
Primary references are the many revealing writings found at laurency.com and hylozoik.se/english/english.htm to guide research for continuing, diagrammatically visual work study. Seven years of reading and meditating hylozoics, has inspired continued studies. A hypothesized approach to hylozoic knowledge was recommended to grasp the ever surprising range of inexplicable natural facts. Seekers of knowledge forge ahead into unknowns to test out as many given facts which stimulate attention.
of Knowledge of Life Three by Henry T. Laurency
“The publication of esoterics marks a turning-point in the history of mankind.
“...the knowledge has always been available to those who were willing to sacrifice all to find it. But ...
“The wise men whom we admire in history were all of them initiates, and the little they could tell still had such an effect.
“Not all orders that eventually were formed were instituted by members of the planetary hierarchy. The black lodge promptly imitated the genuine orders in the intention of traversing them, confusing and misleading people. ...had ..large following, financial resources, and (of course imperceptible) social and political influence.
“It should therefore be noted that the mere fact that someone was an initiate of an esoteric knowledge order does not necessarily imply that he was particularly acquainted with esoterics.
“People of today have been given the knowledge for nothing, in a mental system that is wholly sufficient for them to know how they should live.
“Laurency has taken pains to clear away all symbolism in his presentation of esoterics and, as far as possible, to start from the concepts and terms of natural science.
“The secret knowledge orders lived on but from that time as truly secret organizations. ... To the historians of our times they never existed.
“Nowadays they boast of culture and think they have reached far above barbarism. That is a great illusion, however.
“It was only by Pythagoras (700 BCE) that the Greeks were given a knowledge order, complete with all the degrees.
“Pythagoras founded a small colony outside the town of Taormina in Sicily, and there he erected the buildings of his order. Later these buildings were totally destroyed by the mob, easily excited as usual, and Pythagoras was murdered.
“In 1875, the esoteric knowledge orders were finally closed, so that nobody was initiated into any such order after that year.
“The esoteric world view and life view has been publicized, so that anyone can gain much knowledge of the matter and consciousness aspects that was formerly strictly secret (even to initiates of lower degrees).
“ . . . an attitude full of understanding to individuals at the different stages but nevertheless an instinctive respect for the “law of understanding” ....
Visually placing key parts all together begins an exercise of understanding. Mapping out overviews had long been helpful with any learning process. Less promising explanations about all life had lacked continuity with later findings. Finally the hylozoic essays appeared freely available online, and these better coordinated the verifiable facts, all to fit together into a more comprehensive whole. Use of computerized graphic modeling let many specified terms circuit together and then sooner integrate with larger insights, and all in a visually efficient system.
An attempted concentric circuiting of major hylozoic terms:A partial hypothesis of a respirating cosmic system, "eternal cycling".
~~~~~~Earlier work follows next:
Hylozoic Math Of Consciousness
Pythagorean Hylozoic Dodecahedron
A long life analyzing actual physical construction projects while exploring precise geometric models was always balanced by endless searches for the deeper motivation of living, and this ultimately lead to finding laurency.com, but only after some decades of searching far and wide.
Mathematical meditation in the mind's eye inspired visual modeling, and also guided structural experimentation. Platonic solids are so regular and efficient but how can precisely attached 3d clusters naturally light up pentagonal-stars. How and why?
How could clusters of regular, geometrical polyhedrons render out stars like these?
Precisely generated and particularly clustered-hedrons generated these images in orthographic views. If specially arranged the icosahedron copies and separately the dodecahedron copies actually do generate these stars. More details are posted in these links:600hedron Edge Attached Icosahedron
600hedron Edge Attached Dodecahedrons
Many of these links below date all the way back to the last century.
2021 Swirling Field Experiments
November 2021 Trihedral Particle Concepts
3D model formats are included at this link:
Avoiding higher formal education and seeking a sustainable, freeform vocation resulted in a permanent, creative lifestyle, endured with a sense of disciplined commitment. Integral practicality and artistry were innovated together. Recycling salvaged materials offered an ecological payback to justify the time-consuming difficulties, because one could ease the burden on limited natural resources. It fit in with older, local norms. The lowered ecological impact gradually disciplined an ethical rationale to avoid "disposable consumption" of natural resources and also to avoid vain efforts of competition. That amounted to low sales and low status among certain associates, as the aspirant struggled with conceptual models, instead of building prestige.
The simpler lifestyle provided opportunity for disciplined study. In a much later retrospect it happily avoided "bad sowing", where a bad reaping could have resulted instead. For example, wasting a whole life time chasing illusions of plenty, to support disposable consumerism with its indefferent, earth-polluted, ecological effects. For motivation with humbler tasks a stimulating discoverable knowledge of existence was sought for.The phases of earlier work follows below and some of the structural concepts became physical work and some of photos became digitally edited for promotion, like the concrete garden bridge of the mid 1990s :
" Imagine ~ Design ~ Build"
Can we somehow serve evolution?
The decades old promotional efforts to sell sculptural concrete structure could not go very far in a rural setting. It could not achieve popular living standards, but the disciplined effort grew more in dividends of knowledge, more than imagined or expected. Keeping this legacy webpage posted here intends to graphically show how self employed creativity managed to evolve by freeing up mentality from dependence on personal, emotionally energized art; because, unless and until one's own mentality becomes sovereign over emotionality, one is susceptible to lower emotional effects which block or fumble a causal objectivity... The attainment of higher emotional consciousness is mapped out by hylozoics as the next higher, natural state of existence. Learning about causality, becoming more at cause, becoming more purposeful and aware that this is part of a soul's evolution, even starting from the infinitesimally lower stage of mankind's present civilization. Most of the following projects below date after year 2000.
July 2020: A question of using one seamless sheet of plastic to create an air-blown form-work came to me, and some 3D modeling sessions provided exploration:
Root cellar plan sparks realization for a new way to form inflatable cement form work.
Winter of 2019-2020 Low Cost Heat Pump Conceptualizations
Grow With Nature & Not Against Nature!
Rural Roadside Art Show ~Stellated ~ Crystallized ~ Cognition
Design ~ Build Service Begun In 1971
I offer(ed) a wide variety of design and building skills by request, many of which are pictured below.
Welcome to my round table discussion, by email or by appointments.
I discuss building consciousness in these trouble times, on earth.
Explore translucent sovereignty in our times.
Bo Atkinson in Maine
I love flowing, structural harmony with integrated design purposes. I've been working on this path for decades. Making a hard earned living through creativity drove me to the edge of self sufficiency. Click on the 'linked' pictures below to see individual webpages and this is only a partial index of my website.
src="boatkinsonThumbnails/computeraccurate.jpg" width="169" height="185" />
To build a symbol, hire "a creative"
Our heart felt thanks for all our clients who hired my wife and I to work.
My coil research dating back to the 1980's.
These legacy webpages, (with work dating back into the last century), have many links disabled as of March 2025 to reduce SEO issues, because coding was indifferently managed, for lack of expedient software products. An automated removal of many links was finally attempted to reduce SEO defects going forward. Life duties prioritized many other things.
Are we actually in something like a virtual reality of a mostly unseen consciousness? Does average human consciousness compare with a computer simulation, or are we an observer of a robot loaded full of apps? (Nikola Tesla made comparable comments over a cuentury ago). May humans practice their free will, just as they wish? I think we can find plenty of freedom, but we'd still be working at "cause and effect".
2018 blog.Bo Atkinson, Maine, USA
I have studied spirals or helical geometry my whole life.
Here is my 2012 page on experimental theories about coils.
2017 Philosophic~Spiritual~Practical~Retrospective
December 2017 Updates on Mind Control Shielding Methods
December 2016 ~~~ Electromagnetic Research On A Radical Radial Pole Coil
My earliest work with 3D modeling software.
My exploration of electric and magnetic field relationships, through geometry.
My 1980 experiments with feeble currents and coil geometries.
Startetrahedral Circuit Assemblies
"Morphing-Sphere Spiral"
"Reflex Flame Amplifier"
"Spherical Reflex Coil"
"Plasma Resonator"
"Reflex Vortex Amplifier"
"Multi Axial Coils"
How do i 'ground' my feet, even with footwear.
My conservationist's dedication led me to study decentralized-living and the arts of reclaiming waste-streams.
Questionable Internet-Infiltration Experiences With Sreenshot Evidence
The content on this website, http://harmoniouspalette.com, is placed in the public domain only as a free exchange of ideas and as "a hard study in the service of all life". The author recomends self responsibility for for any use of the concepts in these web pages, as all relevant laws of life and local codes should be verified and observed before pertaining building or experimentation proceeds. discussion is welcome, please write. Bo Atkinson