I spent much of my life exploring patterns of geometry, purposefully. To see what nature might offer. Symmetrical growths of fractal pyramids suggest 4d or 4 axis face alignments of a tetrahedron. Mathematically precise, reticulating geometry is explored here. Call for a free guided tour, usually dawn to dusk... 2_0_7__3_4_2__5_7_9_6
We have to let the answering machine filter out the increasing spam calls of today, so mention the words "This is a work request " (or your request), thanks.
Photo above shows massively grown, pyramidal fractals, crystallized with patterns of four axial faces. This has long inspired a search for geometrical ramifications, (called 4D for fun). See offerings for enlarged prints, described further below. Buy My Art
All images around the door in the photo above are the same 3D model, viewed from different directions (and)... Each unique image uses a different “camera lens”, ranging from wide angle to no angle. Background color was added simply for decorative appeal alone.
The same 3D model was rendered in all the images. More recently this same 3D file was used as a “modular building block”. This prompted use of the modules to join with identical copies, to join into a larger whole or as a modular matrix of many modules, (first photo). The general module above was grown (or stellated), from one, inner, precise tetrahedron (or equilateral pyramid). Resulting in countless crystallized pyramids, (tetrahedra), which are traced on concentrically triangular surfaces. This process proceeded with my gradual computer upgrades, as this literally grown model, became very complex or dense, requiring a better hardware, as only later upgraded. My focus on the tetrahedron also revealed its apparent relation to a triangular helix. The mathematical formula for the helix, applied to the equilateral triangle as a path, produces tetrahedra, when facetted with nine segments. This remarkable, precursive principle of the tetrahedron was not noticed anywhere else in mathematics:
The tetrahedron, (an equilateral pyramid), can be shown to derive from a helix:
Back to the "solid geometry": The initial growth pattern, for the successively crystallizing reticulation, is demonstrated in the sequence shown below. Removal of the larger, inner, initial tetrahedra, showcases smaller-outer-ones in patterned sequence, without the geometrical scaffolding).
___This exploration developed over the years and eventually the outer tier-level-results were compared, one tier with the subsequent tier level. (Of further grown, outer tetrahedra, or triangular pyramids). The main challenge for mathematical-construction, is the 4d alignment which challenges the traditional concepts of layout, as bound to the 3D alignment of cubes. Current geometry-software and mathematics hugely favor the 3D building alignments and only very rarely does one find 4d alignments used or considered. Historical teachers of 4d exploration are Buckminster Fuller (geodesic works) and Leonardo DaVinci (stellated octahedron ~ stella octangula). Mankind is otherwise very attached to linear and cubic orientation of dimensions, that is: Top, Front and Side. Four dimensionality is free of uni-directional-gravity on a planet, (as on the flat land of earth).
By the year 2017, the 'crystallized' modules were symmetrically attached together, crystallizing larger tier growths, after buying yet a better video card. These provided 4d axial alignments and interesting-inherent-growth-patterns, based on the tetrahedral-face alignments. Massively branching tiers symmetrically all joined together with more complex tier-modules... Below are 64 modules, face-attached, symmetrically, all together.
The impact is increasingly more compelling with larger, higher resolution visibility. The human cone of vision can fully saturate and immerse, (given larger scale, wider coned visuals along with multiple views of the same, 3D model). This led to large print purchasing. Still larger prints wiuld increase the immersive effects. Three dimensional structures made of these prints would enable walk through visual effects, along with varied rendering modes.
Nearest images above and below contain 64 modules, each containing many (uncounted) pyramids, (tetrahedra). Image below is rendered in wire frame mode, and the above image is a shaded render. However, these particularly, rendered views have no perspective at all. (All pyramid edges have equal lengths). The 'holes' between modules take on recursively-determined-geometrical forms as well. I spent much time navigating all imaginable viewpoints, lensing-effects, transparency vs opacity and coloring effects, all of which motivated this art show (and it's continued, clarifying updates).
As of 2018, the focus has turned this search intensively towards Pythagorean Hylozoics, which teaches us deeper insights, about objective principles, which-all originate in the original meaning behind Plato's (or Platon's), "world of a ideas". One may find the source of all human breakthrough-ideas are already there, or so it is explained through esoterics.
Distilling an understanding of all the aspects involved, still needs to appreciate that the orientation of most scholars (and sponsors of scholars), may differ on the content of such writings. As one can spend much time Googling or verifying all the teachings about Platon or Plato.
Large fields of detailed views immerse perceptions, while navigating models, with large screens for the viewer.
The large print set in my drive-by-road-show is just a start of this better-immersion art-form, as of now, just partly envisioned. Ask to see the stained glass effect large prints. Everyday interludes of relaxed-viewing, releases mind from a small cone of vision. It pays back perceptivity and cognitions (and not in cash).
The "stained glass effect", as seen from indoors, inside one of my workshops:
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A variety of prints can be purchased, such as insulating-stained-glass-window-inserts, or for room dividers, or as panels, or as posters, for banners, for wall paper or as digital copyrighted files for personal, architectural or decorative uses.
2018 Update: The outdoor prints are holding up very well, even in half-day sunlight. The original printer has stopped offering the corrugated print materials, so another source could instead be searched. Visitors are welcome to come here to see wooden or Cementitious framing options fot purchase. Printing inks must be chosen through the printer, where printing these vary in durability.
Purchase my art in customized forms.
A full range of options are offered from selective, physical print collections, to single images. Let me know what interests you. Each, single, large, high resolution image files can be emailed to you or your printer, for $100 each. Pick your choice(s) for your local printer:
Thank you for your consideration.
Pictorial index page of my webpages since the 1990s.
Life long studies are linked here: Other art work.
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