Here are some concepts which I gradually explored through in the 1990s, (before the public could build and widely use the better parts of the internet), and at a time when I was avoiding the all- demolishing and authoritative sources of the day, in hopes of finding my way through life. A few paper books helped me explore human concepts of existence and if 'forces' would prove antecedent to existence, as some human books say in various ways. I scanned through books coming to hand, but at the most, I could only marvel at some of these.

George F. Gillette published a book titled "Ortho Oxen of Science ~ Synoptic conspectus of author's Unitary Theory". 1936 Blackstone Publishers. This copy came from a correspondent of mine in the early1990s. I met this snail-mail-friend through Nuts & Volts magazine, want ads, long before the public-internet or it's forums. We exchanged long, snail-mail letters, discussing aspects of physics, coils and  geometry. This was before the internet was made public.  My friend Xeroxed Gillette's book at a Berkley library. Decades later I found a much better rationalized discourses, rather than such inventiveness, thanks to sharing of knowledge on the www, but this book fragment evidenced coils wound upon coils, a concept within my range.

As a seeker, I always sought the big-picture first. (Visual observation before hypothesis, before apparatus, before method, to orient my approach). My friend sent me assorted xeroxes because of my obsession with spirals and coils wound upon coils. I had been laboring towards a loose hypothesis of a dynamic version of the aether-- I had very limited access to specialized libraries in those days. Some of the old fragments of aether theory provided these thoughts to reflect on.

My friend and I considered some concepts, as a model of the tachyon or neutrino, or something of that character, (admitting that my technical vocabulary was extremely limited at that time). I even dared mention the term 'ultimaton', from a religious book i studied for years: The Urantia Book. It had a section on very controversial ideas about science which stimulated my thinking, but it lacked diagrams, or geometric orientation. (It's text can be searched on line). By contrast, my friend was a staunch atheist. I had no prejudice against that preference, nor against religiosity if it could be rationalized, nor against the rantings of my friend while we discussed the particle zoo, a part of physics which held sway in those days, (communicating through typed-pages sent through snailmail) ... We actually just wanted to relate, in some fashion, to the concurrent stream of awarenesses and given terminology. My unyielding interests leaned towards the aether concepts, having a 'dynamic' or flowing quality. It seemed to me to be the primal force of this universe, which through levels of 'condensation' or perhaps through a "resonating modulation",  or through a "resonating code". I expected it's probability of sequentially manifesting in states between magnetism, radiation, electric current, ionized radiation, stable matter, etc...

My friend introduced me to Lesage's "ultra mundane particle".  Adding up to three untraditional terms which somewhat could suggest a 'primal' force. Gillette's 'ultimote', The Urantia Book 'ultimaton' and this third term provided some fragmentary resonance for me, though only to spur my search along, a difficult path. I  had scanned these concepts and felt inspired to carry on with my creative explorations.  I was considering whether there might be some sort of primal force flowing through and past us. Could it be tapped or harnessed, somehow? Such thoughts ease the hard labor which sometimes I would tackle. The notion of discovering a new source of energy was appealing, yet never overpowered my focus. Perhaps it could be found as a dynamic aether(?)

Decades later a much more satisfying presentation titled Energy Wave Theory, won my interest and this more conventional study has taken as many years to find and to make time available for it's study and to rationalize possible collaborative contributions by contributing 3D rationality to spin dynamics, as it is found in the equations of the standard model of physics. I made a hard effort to rationalize it for EWT, and at least I got some acknowledgement soon after. There is yet another approach to the explanation of all existence, and it is not readily translatable by physics and sciences, but some scientists have equally alluded to mankind's incomplete range of perceptions, and so one can leave it there, until more is perceived. Yet for my own part I chose to study that particular source further.

Relatively, non material, or pre-material forces continued holding my attention. Along with other readings, I have leaned towards a somewhat static, pressure metaphor at the human scale of perceptions, perhaps including gravity itself, sensed and fully affecting us while decidedly unnoticed moment to moment, taken for granted, or simply in measured in weight if such needs fit other priorities of interest, yet there may be faster unseen motions in gravity, as a continuing flow or resonance. Perhaps something like Tesla's longitudinal waves. "Incompressible pressure" which aggregates matter concentrically into particles, so far unspoken in our perceptible world. I would have loved to read more texts by Tesla, but one has no readily available sources before such are posted on the www, and then not all such texts can be verified with certainty. We are left to rationalize our consciousness, regarding any questions of sources. (As of the later 1990s, very little was placed on the primitive, public internet). I was inspired to model concepts in 3D to explore the 3D physicality. Would 3D models serve rationalizations? My early 3D model below explored the concept of primal force, perpetual motion energizing matter-energy, and does this sustain particulate matter? Energizing traditional models of elementary particles, of traditional science was never published as far as I could find, especially n the last century.


(Above Image: From the 1990s the above 3D model surprisingly attached the spiraling objects to geodesic faces, as a formZ software feat, in those early days of personal computers. This was inspired by Synergetics (of Bucky Fuller), who suggested the word 'isotropic' and which inspired a daring application to the idea of forces molding together a state of matter, constituting the physical world for human perception. 

Compiling names of theories was not the point, rather the corresponding geometry was explored to visualize conceptual potentials, where hypotheses and theories might fit with together to a better understandings. I came across the Expanding Earth Hypothesis, in the early days of the internet. (Around 1999 there was a website with the original writings, no?). In essence, a theory suggesting that the planet earth  actually 'grows'. Did this include other planets and suns? Dare one ask if it also energizes while potentially accumulating sufficient concretions of particles and atoms as well? I was very intrigued that finally, a hypothesis might dynamize man's physical universe.


 I felt that these individual writings with models could very roughly cooperate physically or mechanically. Fit together, to some sort of extent, where human perceptions of gravity had missed it's energizing and it's materializing effects. From one same force, a simple movement or a successive metamorphosis of physical manifestations, to result (in a sequential reaction). However not that a model is the absolute reality. A force was suspected which is pre-energy, then cosmic ray, then gravity, then matter-energy, (but only much later reformatting this process hylozoically).  Along with a conservationist preference, that forces pressurized matter aggregations inwardly, upon material particles from all sides. This is a concept of a dynamic aether-- Except that it is sort of a "pressure source energy" at the same instant--- Pressurizing force which 'condenses' an interface of matter... Within a sort of wound-up-universe which can radiate energy, if and when properly 'unwound'. So that "unwinding electric power with coils" became my long standing, visualization interest..... Long story there, vaguely unwound on this page.


Two more, relatable sources i found in 2012:


Next Above: A clipped part of a chart is by (Dr?) Walter Russel (Better presentation of this chart was found here). This chart seems to suggest a relationship of spiralling flow, heat, cathode waves and gravity.   I love his drawing works, as these are posted all over the web and are easily found today. (Despite that links come and go, as www availability changes with time passing). One could drarch for digitized text versions or excerpts from his books. To reverse-transcribe, to generate mp3s for listening. (Listen while doing other chores). "The One Force Of The Universe Is The Energy Of Thinking Mind. There is No Other Energy", is from another of Russel's charts. I need not agree with everything I read, but contrasting such heavy thoughts is a needed step forward. Perhaps all can be Googled.  The physicality as a state of mind? Oneness concepts or unified theories generally inspire me, along with harmonious symbols like spirals. I love associating orthogonal and helical relationships.

I finally heard of Dr David Bohm's Implicate Order & Holographic Universe. ( Is it dated around 1980? I first heard of it this year 2012). Here a concise 1page presentation. I expect that the strobing, animated images there help emphasize a resonance of the hypnotic illusion, which constitutes material reality?  Here is a wonderful discussion between David Bohm and Jiddu Krishnamurti in book form, The End Of Time , (a free pdf download). YouTube has a video of this discussion, (as i prefer hearing the spoken words). Here is a lengthy book, with plenty of background: The_Holographic_Universe_Michael_Talbot.pdf ....Find it as a free pdf download.

Holographic concepts are multiple and popular nowadays, but i still don't see much knowledge provided by the basic, original metaphor: Rather, it is the derivative, individualized concepts which provide their own expanded knowledge bases. From my understanding, the basic holographic apparatus produces less resolution than a basic 3D camera .   All of these very loosely relate to the antique technologies of "camera lucida", said to have been a tool which revolutionized fine art and portraiture. Here is my own forgotten version applied to 3D modeling. Which i named 'cadmera'. I feel that a 3D hologram would better fit the mechanics of 3D reality. I want to add more visualization of this at some point. Basically to establish that viewpoint is key to 3D reality as humans perceive reality. 

Removing the individualized perspectives crashes all views everywhere into a massive blur. Here is a simple 3D geometry model to emphasize my opinion about viewpoints. I recommend more consideration of  interpreted perspectives as in this linked image.

I have always liked to compare "dominant scientific reality" with ancient assertions of "illusory materialism". An ancient concept officially dated as far back as far the ancient Vedic tradition. Admittedly I found a little relief from western materialist dogmatism in past decades, regarding that use of the word illusion, however in my seventieth year, (2020), the only grain of usefulness in that word is the idea that matter is just one of several coexistent aspects of human existence and not the only aspect of existence. Here I am appreciating contrast of learned concepts, bunched all together, to show my progress through them. I was lucky to vaguely hear digestible concepts early in life, and yet there may be more to which teachings attract us and why, (to be discussed later). I'm also intrigued by the claims of "hidden histories and archeology", especially those which are wantonly suppressed, and which also delve into the broader perspectives of reality. Alternative and hidden scholarship is rebuilding concepts of many kinds today. I always avoided authoritarian mind traps. Alternatives helped me to search for ideas like these and to settle in a rural, active-&-contemplative lifestyle. All the better to study reality.


This page was originally posted in a rough draft during 2012, (according to my earliest html file date). Since that time my studies in Pythagorean Hylozoics have advanced much of this conceptualization, yet a gradual tracing of the path taken may well clarify the deeper findings. To be continued.

My pictorial index page is here. Although there are other pages besides. I will need to find out how to better map them. I do not like web coding and still use Dreamweaver software, which I never learned beyond trial and error minimalism.