June 2012:   My experience at Avalon forum has been a good view into the conditions of our world. I will lplace most of my 'wavydome' posts on this page. Posting on a public forum is my cure for "writer's block", wavydome is my pen name on Avalon.  My dad inspired me to attempt writting out my complex thoughts about many subjects. There is an imputus to To share one's thoughts and feelings: Avalon Forum is a publically accessable place for sharring. My intent is to list many of my posts, on this page. These should be searchable on Avalon Forum, for fuller contexts.

[QUOTE=Dennis Leahy;483525]
Anyone here know enough about physics, especially plasma physics, that they can comment on this?

I listened to some free-disclosure vids which seemed to claim experimental success of manipulating natural forces. Doing so with hand-sized coil sets, apparently arrayed in a dome shaped configuration. Perhaps other undisclosed devices as well. Clear evidence was not displayed or corroborated in these vids.

The main claim concerning plasma was it's ubiquitous nature, at atomic scales. Fusion also seemed inherent per atom, (but not at large scales). As a more energetic state of matter, plasma simply interfaces with or between other (sub) atomic entities (protons, electrons antimatter) . All these atomic entities were inferred to configure according to local-magnetic-environment... The claim was that his reactor managed to interact to advantage and draw electrical power. The ability to produce gravitational and magnetic fields in the same device has been claimed. "First research to physically prove it" is claimed.

What seems missing from my radical mindset, was the bigger circuit integrating all natural or all Universe forces. He seemed to infer that earth generates magnetic fields and generates these fields without external inputs? Perhaps he simply subdivides one magneto-sphere-system for an example. The combined and inseparable fields of magnetism-&-gravity does sound very likely to me: But "as a plasma at the same time" just sounds like the atomic sized energy conversion units. BTW, the term magrav can be googled. - He seems to claim mutual control of these together, intact, in small equipment. OK. I'm listening.

[QUOTE=danceblackcatdance;512671].... this [URL="http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/media-a-papers/video-presentions/220-about-the-keshe-foundation"]interview[/URL] is well worth watching ...[/QUOTE]
4minute onwards>> [url]http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/media-a-papers/video-presentions/220-about-the-keshe-foundation[/url])

He did not name the "prime mover" powering this generation of the magnetic fields. (A bigger-circuit-picture which i have searched for. My search has focussed on the force field associations with an isotropic force field configuration. I see these as primal and as precursors to dipole fields. He mentioned something almost, but not quite comparable to an "isotropic field configuration".

There was a few minute mention of material-specific-magnetism. Like plastic magnets which attract plastic. Seemly requiring that both objects need specific structuring to express this. Then the concept of creating gravity fields, to share in the the so called "weightlessness of outer space"... These, to me would seem to involve the concept of a "primal force" which also condenses on planets (or to a smaller extent on smaller bodies), in the form of gravity. Just that normal awareness of gravity is tuned un weight or mass alone. Given that specific molecular-structural-alignments in objects or masses are properly aligned with other matching atomic-structural-alignments, in other local objects.... That both bodies share sort of a structural tuning, in that case, magnetism would occurs. This is my intuitive interpretation. Ferromegnetic materials might manifest these common qualities, which allows ferro magnetism to work-- Where apparently the quality exists in all ferromagnetic materials and a few other elements as well. Likewise, we generally don't find such common qualities, without what?-- Re-engineering them in specific materials.

Perhaps a great interest may generate public "down payments" or donations, for what? Perhaps benefactors fund the global research? Un-monopolized energy, instant-healing, easy-levitation and "free protien out of fresh air".... devices? Was that said? (Free energy per se, is the wrong term according to Keshe, possibly inferring it should be called induced-plasma-reconfiguration?-- Holographic-retunning anyone? .... Later on: Astronaut-space-travel to recycle CO2 into new food?... Absorb all these energies as in feeding people? Solid Co2 for human food? Simply reconfigured states of matter? Reconfiguring matter into diverse states of matter, or restoring ill human bodies to original health? This sounds like reverse engineering of DNA for the purpose of restoration. Or a ship sized closed system, which recycles everything including all bodily emissions. It has been said the 'explorers' of a race, are the ones who move the planet-- Better to interest them in a tech, to get funding.

OK- I'm boring people, i'll stop now. Are we not safer in common discussions? Safer in tech disclosures? Please contribute discussion here, (anyone)?

I need head phones to catch Keshe's voice intonation. Thankful and grateful for free listening and open, un restricted access to Keshe video from link on Avalon.



Bo's pictorial site-index is here. Next follow posts, each new post beginning with "RE:"

RE:  Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.




Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Posted by 7redorbs (here)
Quote:"He of course had demonstrated his longitudinal wave to many people, as well as EFFECT preceding CAUSE. E.g. before the 2nd wire of an electrical circuit is closed, a blue vertical wave travels up from the ground, BEFORE the wire touches the circuit - that creates a large blue radial spark we call the spark - gap. Not only does this experiment prove that all electricity is being affected by the earths magnetic polar mass, but, that the wave traveling up, PRECEDING the wire being closed, is traveling ahead of time, or rather lagging in time, to the action of closing the terminal."
If you will allow a naive question, i have wondered about this specific Tesla facet, for years (concerning a distinction of waves). The time distinctions seems new to me or else more detailed, providing me more curiosity. Perhaps i need to goggle scalar + time + waves. Or try combinations with the words around 'intentionality'. But sometimes, a naive question gets the best link. (The squeaky hinge, gets the grease ). Thanks.

In the quoted paragraph, it almost sounds like a connection with the human phenomena of intention preceding physical action, manifested in transmission? But then it almost sounds like the initiation of transmission only and not the subsequent modulation or human communication on the carrier wave. Update edit: Or... The Max Planck Uncertainty Principle ????

I will be trying to hear your Dollard lecture on my portable unit, in my out door work, today.

Thanks so much for your post here.


Edit: wow, i just googled:
scalar + time + waves + intentionality
Expecting it would shave off results, which lack all terms... 5,190,000 results??
... I'd hate to grease my intentions

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Apx 5:48 7redorbs' Linked YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7oAlvaC8ls Amazing Tesla Quote read by narrator: ".... Scientist today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane, to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane. Today scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander through equation after equation and potentially build a structure which has no relation to reality."

I just had to come back in to scroll through and verify each word, completely amazed and inspired.



Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
RE the lectures linked above:

It sounds as though this is the book to buy for more background RE the YouTube lectures :
"Theories of ether and electricity" Whitaker 1500 pages 3 volumes
Google had this type of 'download' option:
(At least they spare one the obese porn of other torrent sites).
Question: Has anyone had magical success on Mac OSX10.7, with torrent aps....
I have not had luck here or it seems one needs new software for each download place.

Or is a 'free' site an entrapment for copyright violations

I prefer Avalon rather than pure electronic-forums-discussions,
thanks to some multi-disciplined minds here.

Too much of the web has single-disciplined minds, if disciplined much at all.

Curse of the out-of-box-thinkers.
Advantage of the Archons, Verdants, TPTBs, etc...
Or is it just a karma of patience.

Re-inspired by Tesla's mention of:
"build a structure which has no relation to reality"
Allow me to add some pictures of my Tesla inspired moments in time, where i "built structure which has relation to reality"

One can google/images the following:
"Tesla Umbrella Lightning Protector"
For Tesla's patent on his lightning protection theory and practice.
It inspired me in my implementation dating back to the mid 1970s.

Electronic suppression of the population seems to be something which the individual has to deal with individually.... Is it just electronic-EMR (electro-magneticd-radiation) noise? Is there malevolent intent behind the suppressive effects of electronics today? Mainly: is it friendly or unfriendly, with regard to overall-intent? What is each and every significant intention, behind the the control of the electronics and the power distribution industry?

Dollard spoke critically about the wave bands and EMR issues, of the cell phones pushed on to unwary consumers today. Most notable was the 'hijacking' of Tesla's proposed system of electronics. Beginning with electric power distribution. Although the book "Nikola Tesla, Lectures-Patents-Articles" does mention his promise of a benign communications systems, too. Dollard outlines the the tech behind the wrongful paradigm, as chosen by industry and financiers. Wrongful, in among other issues, it is unhealthy. Wrongful also, in the inefficient profiteering and ruination of prosperity for the general population of earth.

I have studied key note health experts and already accept Dollard's added information... I studied Electronic Technology in the mid to late 1970s, (via snail mails but could not afford the lab component, way back then). EMR has been malevolently corrupted! Get the facts people! Find your own protective measures. Do your own research well. In order to stay well.

As to the concept of (conductive) reinforcement rings, providing some sort of unverified anechoic effect... Especially in case these rings are structured in a 'coffer' configuration... I submit this is worth further testing with good test equipment. I live and work on a shoe string... Nevertheless, these coffers have proven the audio-anechoic effect or echo free effect:

When this dome was empty, there were no echo effects. Typical masonry domes have irritating echoes. Not so with anechoic structures.

I know Separately, i have been an object of 'attack'. Which might indicate some sort of value in the work which i have focussed on, during the last 12 years.

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Here i wish to continue my builder experiences, as inspired by Nikola Tesla - Patents Lectures Articles,.

Tesla's "Tower Architecture" may or may not have been the tower to power his famously suppressed car. I will offer more on this architecture further below, for potential continuation of this conversation..... Providing that Avalon will allow sensitive Tesla related discussions, in general.
Apparatus For Transmitting Electrical Power - Patent1,119,732 Dec, 1, 1914
Search patent text for illustration-symbol P P . Note that these were called "half spherical elements". Apparently the multiple-spherical-elements would seem to refocus transmission pattern somewhat differently than would a single-large-smoothed-emitter. I wonder if it has to do with phrase shifting and some phenomena the two YouTubes present. Besides that, the general architectural concept of utilizing an array of spheroids, suggests sort of a fractal nature in the antenna, over all. The fractal nature, if it may be called as such, reinforced my decision to build coffers on my wavydome, (perhaps as a fractal aside).

Obviously Morgan killed Tesla's architecture in it's bud. As the story goes. We do not have the story of full fruition, humanity's lost the full fruition. Humanity is left to other devices, as humanity struggles along. Yet many new geniuses and promoters and builders are born everywhere. My struggle is the struggling for art. May i add i have been mortally attacked (unsuccessfully) as well (and also suppressed in other ways). What could an attack on oneself have to do with this thread and Tesla inspired architecture? I have wondered myself.

An earlier patent caught my artist's eye. I integrated the essence of the form of it in my second built solar collector. Factually, there was no serious technical intention there. Rather it was just an 'inspirational' feeling, a wonderment. Indeed a general belief we should integrate technical gleanings with builder needs. I was a young man full of curiosity.

(image credits on http://www.zerksus.com)
This is a commonly known form of self-countering, mutual-inductance. I am not especially familiar with other terms it might have. It is basically two coils contra-wound in electrical series. My text below combines this principle in a flat wound coil. A configuration which Tesla was fond of. I incorporated different, pre-existing concepts into a new one.

My first solar collector configuration was the simple flat spiral. Cold water goes in from the exterior, spiraling inward. Warmed water came 'out' from the concentric center. Lovely, i thought and with a smile.

After building my first house-covering-dome, more hot water was needed. Time to try the second coil, in diagram above. Aha, change the circuitry for some fun too, why not? I had tried to understand inductance from the practical electrical side. I was fascinated by mutual inductance which to me spanned 'transformation', from radio transmission to power transformers. Primary architectural differences were in the material property selections. I was studying material sciences of manufacturing too. I admired one friend working for National Semiconductor, but also loved my artist fiends and earth-bound friends who struggle like me.... I was intrigued by the Yin-Yang lore besides. So i used the Yin-Yang principle in the flat coil center: As an 'S' shaped, soft copper pipe. This 'S' could then connect the two central incoming solar tubes.

The above image shows the general shape, except in real life i made them more rectal in ear to fit between my dome arches. The two outer tubes could interconnect several of these solar units of my solar heater collector. These were placed underneath the translucent dome cover. Great, now it could produce a little water on sunny days.....

These graphics were just CAD generated without time for more precise rendering, of the originals. The illustrated concept is accurate for what these were. Four units connected in series, heating water, until....
One day i was working there, in our dome attic, when an unusually loud plane was heard coming closer. I ran down and out to see. It was a large propeller plane with a large tail like structure. It was flying at less than a hundred feet (30 meters), directly over the dome. I was amazed and curious.

Upon returning to attic, when water was trickling through the collector tubing, many fine leaks of water were observed! That was in the early 1980s... Some sort of penetrating radar was zapped down upon us in our home. It happened to cause this unnatural sort of fine spray leaking. Coming from the solar collectors. So why? My guess is that these coil configurations attracted interest in zapping them. It took a long time to cut out the bad sections with the fine leaks and then splice them. Two of the four modules were soon scrap, garbage. Fully riddles with very-small holes or pores. No other tubing or plumbing in the house got zapped. They really focussed on the Yin-Yang Helix coils. I just figured it must be goberment protecting us from ourself so we are protected from freedom. Like they think freedom is the enemy or terrorist or whatnot. Doublespeak even existed back then.

Thirty years later, two of the original four collectors remain as so:

The electrical aspect here relates to water as a conductor, so called. According to Tesla, conduction, as i listen to Dollard and to 7redorbs, occurs along (or spatially associated) with the surface of the wire. It is still not quite clear if these men infer it is the longitudinal waves of conduction, to which they refer or whether this is frequency band specific. Because in regular electronics which i learned, they taught this was high frequency conduction. Longitudinal (scalar?) 'waves' are said to rise 'infinitely'? Hence the so called extra-ordinary quality of them? It was not clear in any of this whether this would lead to the hoped for zero-point-free-energy quality. The energy grail of today. In fact, the OP and the Dollard YouTube both sounded very much like (conventional) DC pulse waves of long duration. All of which was very confusing for me.

My own study of coils of the 1980s & 1990s. The are other earlier pages showing muy coil studies linked there too.

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
As a result of reading 7redorbs' post #32, a sense of some sort of duty compelled me stop my regular work today. Prioritize an effort to focus on this thread. Frankly, several confusions threw off all better hopes. Hopes which had encouraged me previously. I have great respect for the OP. Also for the irrepressible message it conveys. The full nature of the message will indeed escape one's initial grasp, initial readings. There are mountains of data in this thread. Our common brainwashing has yet to be cured, besides. May we all please help!

The understandable portion of the message can theoretically fit within a political slogan:

Electronic science was hijacked.... Restore Tesla's science of electricity.... Purge the dis-info in science.

However theoretical 'fittings' are weak. Therefore a call for action is perhaps more like:

Show the longitudinal spark in every class room.

Assist every consciousness to the good news of abundance, at the same time.

(Fend off the flack, the derision, the black helicopters)

(With love does anyone say? Then prepare for those 9 inch nails? The rough hewn cross?)

Here is the central part, IMHO:

Show the' incompressible' nature of longitudinal transmission medium.

(God knows what to call it, to heathens bent on burning witches).

Show the inefficiency of our currently used 'compressible' transmission medium.

Determine the available extent of implementation for this waveform, (hijacked though it remains).

I studied electronics a while and was turned off by the technical-syllabus-curriculum. Discouraged by the materialist prospects and devoted my young life elsewhere. I want to learn more about this this 'new' effort to restore Tesla's legacy. This legacy was always inspiring. Though the correct avenue to approach, was never completely clear (or affordable or readily-available).


google: "inductive + inventive + methods" = About 13,800,000 results (0.48 seconds)

First Link: http://www.experiment-resources.com/...ic-method.html
A circuitous explanation emerges. Does it help? I wonder.


This paragraph still confuses my logic a little bit. Though tolerance provides workable interpretations:

Quote: 7redorbs' in OP #1 wrote:
"He of course had demonstrated his longitudinal wave to many people, as well as EFFECT preceding CAUSE. E.g. before the 2nd wire of an electrical circuit is closed, a blue vertical wave travels up from the ground, BEFORE the wire touches the circuit - that creates a large blue radial spark we call the spark - gap. Not only does this experiment prove that all electricity is being affected by the earths magnetic polar mass, but, that the wave traveling up, PRECEDING the wire being closed, is traveling ahead of time, or rather lagging in time, to the action of closing the terminal."
I'll end this coverage here in hopes it sparks some discussion. Let better minds input more action-thoughts. I expect my constitution is too integrative and builder-creative. Please someone, present this anew, a new breath, a new spark.

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Thanks observer, i loved Bearden's YouTube in post #31 . It is great to see what folks link on Avalon. It does seem more coherent, when so linked, rather than googling YouTubes, in the raw, without a discussion.

I actually wondered just how much any of these men. (all around), agreed about the distinctions of contrasted wave forms. This thread provided a sounding board to talk out deductions and observations all around. To see if others will speak.



Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.

Quote:  Posted by observer (here)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...+of+the+gods+#I realize this is a long research project, but there is something yet to be discovered in combining all this knowledge into one cohesive scientific understanding."

This vid reminds me of the PBS vids. A mix of modern academia, ending up with the apocalyptic-comet-history of times long past. Perhaps even with a smile hinting at the 2012 what-ifs. One can only imagine what these academics would say of other 2012 presentations and commentaries.

The video did mention Anthony Peratt and Hannes Alfven.
I first discovered these researchers in the book,
The Big Bang Never Happened, Random House/Times Books, 1991
http://bigbangneverhappened.org/ Eric J. Lerner
I think he is or was working on a (plasma filament inspired) fusion reactor project.

It was very refreshing for me as the 1980s were not interesting me with the string theories. Which seemed very odd prescriptions for dimensionality, (in physics). Actually i feel the string-theory flavor of 1980s physics aptly fits what Tesla decried, in the Tesla quote, above in Post #25.

Peratt's electric universe simulations and spiral filaments was interesting and stimulating for me.

I went to the local university library and found Alfven's Magneto Hydrodynamics book. The following images predated all the coil ideas i was playing with (at a very crude and perhaps, somewhat fruitless level:

The Alfven illustrations are clipped in the older style of a cross-section of a 3d model. These are more easily envisaged as tori. Or consider a torus with the donut hole merged to center, a hole of near zero diameter. Next envisage the the twisting the central donut edges... Next replace torus surfaces, with windings of an electromagnetic wires. Next replace the electromagnetic windings with filaments. Presto, the 19040s and so on.

I had expected that the word 'poloidal' (as seen in image above), would have become a more important word inside of physics. I had myself been very motivated to wind coils like tori. Except and most importantly, to explore added 'twists'. Alfven and others used the word 'kink' instead of 'twist', (so it discovered). I experimented with a variety of configurations, mostly through the 1990s. Incorporating this 'poloidal' configuration. It struck me as something to do with orthogonal or angular interplay of magnetic fields. Which somehow resonate harmonic responses, of adjustable character. However, the lecture of Dollard seems to have discouraged the values of electro-magnetic-inductive-geometric-exploration.

The Magneto Hydrodynamic observations of plasmas might or might not infer a "compressible nature". Whereas Tesla has seemed to stress the concept of longitudinal waves as possessing an "incompressible nature". (The taught rope was used to demonstrate the 'incompressibility' in terms of non-elasticity-- Which engineering ( and building) generally define as physical properties, (in terms of a graduating-effect). I felt that Tesla's original point was that power transmission and power handling was much more efficient in terms of 'incompressibility' or 'inelasticity'. Yet my assumption has been that Tesla was suppressed from further development of this aspect of science.

RE: Dollard Lecture/ Longitudinal Waves: That the force-manifestation, in terms of electric-field and magnetic-field should propagate unidirectionally, is upsetting to me-- Unless we maintain-intact the helical or the orthogonal flow relationships. I am prepared to be corrected in this, but the Dollard lecture does not specifically refute the classical relationship, which is and has been specified as an orthogonal relationship, (geometrically speaking). I wish i could devote more time to experimentation, but still find myself busy with other mundane needs...

To confuse my passion in this study, fluid and elastic properties have to me seemed inherent in nature. Or is it in the effects of force, at the points of manifestation-- That elasticity enters the picture. I was stuck on a variety of alternative ideas of a common constituent precursor, a precursor of gravity and magnetism, which would in a sense unify the currently disparate fields studied by physics, My alternative interests were most of all inspired by Tesla's fascinating works. My approach has been integrative and unifying, despite it's imperfections.

The image or figure below, (from the same book: Magneto Hydrodynamics), was another reinforcement' for my excursion into 'ring-reinforcement' http://harmoniouspalette.com/ringforcement.html
This ringforcement refers to my coffer illustration in post #27 above. Combining of disparate concepts into a new integrative-concept. Combining Tesla's "half spherical elements" with this dynamic visualization of Alfven, along with ferrocement. Perhaps a bit exaggerated unless one thinks outside the box.

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.

I offered to remove my posts from your thread, on your user profile/ Visitor Messages page, 3 days ago. I was not sure my posts were so off topic. You presented a very wide area of history. All threads here get wide varieties of posts. If you are asking for removal of my posts, i will accept your say so. Perhaps the mods can do a better job of deleting them. I don't know how to delete the empty spaces after text is removed. I put a lot of effort into my posts and can move the content off of Avalon.

I seem to be off topic, reading your post #43. I admit to some uncertainty of what you would like for responses. Perhaps this will clear the air, as you would like.

Please advise,


Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Quote: Posted by observer (here)
"To remove a post, simply edit away all the text and add in the place of that text a note similar to this: "Comment removed by (add your nic)".I will also await 7redorb's input."

In my case, this would add up to 11 (eleven) empty posts.

Eleven empty posts plus still other empty posts would not benefit this thread, IMHO.

Repeating the same removal note to each does not help either.

Avalon seems to allow eclectic free-for-alls.
I wonder why post at all. Except there does seem to be value in diversity of expression.
There does seem to be great value in "getting it out there and having one or two humans read it".

I have some additional Tesla "conceptual-experiments" to share as well.

I agree with you observer, the "electric universe" concepts must tie in with Tesla and other suppressed researchers.

So far Avalon seems to accept such discussion. With Thanks w



Simonm, I like your attitude. Please ask 7redorbs a question. A question he would "also be happy to entertain".

Quote: 7redorbs wrote:
"I am also happy to entertain relevant questions to the subject."

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Posted by 7redorbs (here)
I am also happy to entertain relevant questions to the subject.
Please entertain the notion of providing sequential labels or subtitles, or sequential commentary. To be embedded in your video (Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTriBftOPtw)Otherwise, without the benefit of closer up view, without benefit of the magnified view of the umbrella tapping the arc, without better lighting... It is not actually clear what is going on there. BTW, i love arcs.... Without the benefit of a list , of experimental test apparatus, methods used, summary, experimenter's observations, conclusions... perhaps even the potentials of replication by others... Then we get a free for all, here.

wav ωΩ

Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
This post has been deleted by me. Thanks to a fine school teacher's advice. I'll try to think of something more apt to write here, later.


Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Quote: Posted by heyokah (here)
Quote:Posted by wavydome (here)
Quote: A wrote:
"e.g. I don't want credit. I want patents"

"How would Avalon address this comment? What would you wish to see posted here, which will address this or entertain this, from your perspective?


"Hi, wavydome.

Actually A wrote: e.g. I don't want credit. I want patents, and the lie of energy scarcity to end.

Or did I miss something here?"

heyoke, good person,

If the fact is that i should always include all parts of a quoted sentence, perhaps then it was i who missed something. My regrets in that case, for failing to get there, in this regard.

I meant no disrespect. Rather only to ask for clarification about that part of a sentence.

With thanks for all the hard work, we all do to clarify our difficult positions in life. Which a times expose us and to more difficulties. May we all transform the world into better ways for tomorrow.



Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Posted by observer (here)
"It would seem to me, possibly the reason our mysterious Mr. Bull isn't offering any further information is due to his desire for financial reward in this process. Financial reward is "Credit" in one form. There is additionally the possibility that what he has discovered could get him put to sleep - permanently. This could also be a contributing factor in Mr. Bull's hesitance. Just my observation...."

observer, you got me wondering too now...... zzzzzzzzz oops not yet


Re: Tap on, Tap off, the tapper.
Posted by heyokah (here) Quote 7redorbs
"I don't want credit. I want patents, and the lie of energy scarcity to end."

"It all depends on the comma (,) after the word patents.
Was it meant to be there or only a grammatical mistake.....
When you read it without a comma, as I did (being somewhat dyslectic LOL), the meaning is completely different."



I just have to add here that the biggest joke was on me!

It was back in the 1980s that i believed my concepts could sell on the local market of housing booms.... I came up with a theory that the promotional name should be " cap-it-all construction". (Cap-it-all = dome-attic-greenhouse.) As in the idea of a garden in the attic.

You know what? The hot-shots (sociopaths), sent a well timed hit squad. Several groups of people came to our small two part home-business-- Including a seedling business (my wife's) and my sculpted-garden-concrete-items, businesses (... Alledgedly to buy our products... But one set of these groups walked all over our private home, unattended, as if to find something suspicious and perhaps illegal there. We were amazed, once again. The agendas people have to attack us and profit from anything in their demented state of ego ^__^

I was actually trying to sell my skills at home building. But starting from the lowest level of hand laborer. Joke is on me.

Life has so many strange lessons.


Re: Understanding Cosmic Geography: Beyond New Age mythology
Here is an initial very generalized thought on this subject. My listening to the OP reminded me of the many approaches to our human perception of universe and the nearer astronomical formations. The general layout of nearby-orbits with far-away-orbits, all circuiting over time. I've tended to to think we humans make a large number of assumptions about the time required for galactic orbits or even solar orbits. To b so sure they will continue exactly as we observe them in this small segment of time.

We might indeed be as much informed by mythology. How can science prove it's predictions when results will not transpire for countless years? Mythology at least does not demand belief or government funding to promote beliefs. It just is, as it is found, here or there. Actually, i have not looked very far or wide for mythology, since it has seemed undemanding of my attention.

I spent very little time studying astrology or divining or whatnot. I failed astronomy at age 10. My parents bought me a cardboard reflector telescope with cheap mirror. It displayed craters on the moon, great. I was so excited that i soon melted the plastic lenses, aiming at the sun.... I clearly understood the point of alignments after that.

To me alignments are very rounded. I consider any day a good alignment example. The sun rises, as we may say. It can still be quite cool in Maine mornings. While at noon, the temperature has risen considerably. So the increase of given effect took hours to peak at noon, which was maximum alignment. Likewise, a galactic alignment could also be slow to manifest, without a sudden peaking effect. Such would be my expectation for 2012.... Except for the involvement of human intention. (Perhaps even a bit of Max Planck's uncertainty principle). Given a sufficient critical mass of human intention, a threshold could occur. Occur and peak if it is focussed enough.

Above is Buckminster Fuller's illustration, (from his 1975 book Synergetics), of trajectories of revolving celestial-bodies orbiting celestial-bodies... The term "Plane of the Ecliptic" suggests to me a formal-geometry plane, perhaps with x & y axes. Yet i doubt that Universe is subject to human formulations of a 'plane'. Rather, it would seem possible to me that Universe might additionally allow for non linear planes. I asked my geometry software developers" why not let the user invent a new sort of plane, projected upon a non linear object?" They thought it was an interesting suggestion,(for circular file at the best).
Here is a random vision of the moment:

The current maths are very circumscribed to linear xyz axes. I present this small picture as a hypothetical example of an imaginary plane, taken as a whole. Where orbits around orbits smooth could have smoothed out in time. Not that it is a particularly good example. Rather that it is just randomly hypothetical.

Tom Bearden said the Soviets were way ahead with non linear geometry. The YouTube is on the "Tap on, Tap off, the tapper" thread, (past half way, there). Between that YouTube and the Dollard YouTube, same thread, one can find much information about energy propagation and, essentially the passage of energy across alignments. The effects according to propagation types.

I am infatuated with spirals wound around spirals. The spirally-trajectory picture in this thread seems to appear in blogs around the web. I'm glad some folks are looking at the concept there. I think the exercise of winding spirals upon spiral-paths is very key to advancing human advancement. Again, referring to the two lectures, mentioned, in last paragraph, i see some potential connections, which could be demonstrated, with appropriate effort. But the outcome would be mainly to support the notion of crossing a certain threshold, which we might call "critical mass"....

A threshold not unlike what could happen in an alignment.... While noon might seem very much like 11:45 or 9:20, in many respects... There can be critical differences, like shadow formation which trigger something. Or rabbit hole angles in the dirt which suddenly light up down deep, wake up something, (waiting just for that). The very sort of thing in mythology too.

Yet just as easily, it could be a 3d-spiral waveform modulating a 3d waveform.... "Still ordinary", the devil's advocate might say. Yet, if given just the right phase-angles, with right timing, new peaks can be met. I've only played with random geometry like this, but observe that peak accelerations do happen there. I don't delve into fortune telling. There was a famous song in the 50s, which said, "what ever will be, will be."
Parent Post
Last edited by wavydome; 18th June 2012 at 05:42. Reason: spiral plane paragraph


Re: Understanding Cosmic Geography: Beyond New Age mythology
A good video to wake up with Rahkyt. I have tried to understand the questions. Here are some thoughts i've tried :

1: The movement-energies are closest to this metaphor-- Turbulence of a smooth but powerful river of pre-energy. Pre-energy distinguished from recycled energy. Precursor hence becoming familiar energy itself. Pre-cursor-energy which defies analysis through materialized apparatus.

2: Eddies within eddies of rivers can move suspended objects in groupings. Momentum of the objects can synchronize somewhat. But rivers are fully materialized and are therefore only-recycled energies.

3: I was intrigued by the the concept of a push-pull gravity, not pull-alone gravity. The point being it spins more like fluid eddies and less like spokes on bearings.


I found this in Alfven's Magneto Hydrodynamics book. He takes much credit in today's electric-universe modeling. I stay on the edge of physics and instead prefer the concept of an evolving-pre-energy which produces gravitational effects. Pre-energy which interacts with sub-atomic particles. Pre-energy which keeps spins spinning. Keeps the spins of physics spinning in sort of "perpetual-spin-motions".... The evolving pre-energy thus evolves into those spins. Keeping the order of holographic matter acting normally. Letting matter keep on spinning.

The process coincidentally produces time. The flow of gravity is perhaps synonymous with the flow of time. The 3d-direction of flow is from outside-inwards. From all points outside of universe to all points inside universe. Except for the shadowing by all objects and energies in space. Each object having effects proportionate to density and to energies expressed.

The larger masses like suns 'shade' the gravity bearing in on planets. As push-gravity theorists have stated. The shadow effect is 'attractive' since "the sun blocks the impact-flow from it's position". This all sounds screwy or tangled. But with web attractions and with software learning, a 3d model is forming. To label it all, for easier contextualization.

Yet the above is not a one-way flow of time-gravity. Rather it is a cycle 'inward'. It seems that this pre-energy-force has impact qualities which after "impacting the said spin" it then 'condenses' as energy itself. Ultimately energy condenses the "sub atomic particle zoo", aggregating or evolving atoms of all varieties. The so called black hole, in this scenario, wherever the phenomena is perceived, is the greater cycle in continuation. The universe cycle which is neither push or pull but a continuos flow of all things. (I'd hate to list all the source inspirations collected over 40 years).

PS- Like much of physics, the diagrams could use more labels. Like the uncertainty of the third sentence in the caption of Fig 10.2 in diagram above.


Re: Understanding Cosmic Geography: Beyond New Age mythology

The sense of orbits orbiting orbits is very much like coils winding around coils. Geometry software provides tools to explore this effort. It turns out that some interesting coil or orbit shapes can result. Result, as metaphor to interference patterns of waves....

Here is a take on the right-hand-rule of electronics. But which circles which?
Regarding Alfven's fig 10.2 above... The hand drawn renderings (of 1940s) are very limited, as compared with 3d software. I love studying spirals, despite software limitations.

My humble assertion is (also) that oscilloscope rendering of waves should offer 3d views, as spirals above. The side views without perspective view angles, do look like 2d, sine waveforms. But to my limited experience, there is no display of current on top of voltage... This would open new avenues of research, perhaps. To see where current is in relation to voltage, visually...

Whether plasma filaments relate to these comments, is another conjecture. (It's just imagination).

Separately, the winding of coils, of many kinds, does open new avenues, for experimentation. The magnetic paths are very much shaped by the contours of coils. Therefore, if an ordinary coil is wound upon a coil, upon a coil, some remarkable configurations can arise. The image above demonstrates that 'winding' of (non touching) turns upon turns, does result in "helical-interferences". In other words, causing eddies in the magnetic paths. My crude experimentation has found that harmonic responses occur. More experimentation is recommended to explore frequency conversions. However, there are very complex variations of resulting paths, (when modeled in software).... In terms of Cosmic Geography, i expect that orbital spirals can likewise occur, in terms of spirals orbiting spirals. This was the main point of posting today, right here.

Cosmic star systems may involve some seeming wobbles, which in fact are helices orbiting helices. Where a toroid is modified with specialized twists, the magnetic field inside will doubly swirl, (instead of stream linearly).

Alfven , may have postulated a similar, generalized path as in the image above. His Magneto Hydromagnetics is illustrated as follows:

If we consider the electric-universe models, we can alter various test coils, to see if there may the new magnetic reactions.






Re: Kundalini rising  (Avalon post in June 2012)
Well, i had one at about age 18 (1967), under very unknowing conditions. I had no clue as to what was happening or supposed to happen. Actually i was trustingly involved with an essentially unfriendly clearing-organization at that time, without knowing much of anything about them either. I lived in a rough part of NYC, the Lower East Side, walk up tenement, living alone, and unexperienced in city life. Dropped out of college after 2 weeks or so, basically trying to keep out of the Draft which was sending my peers to Viet Nam. But i knew way too much because my dad was in the Military Police during WWII. He had seen way too much treachery there and wanted to write a journalist's experience of that war. Write about his debilitating experience.... Long story, of which i hadn't yet fully pieced together, at that time... I was being rejected by some older friends who had attracted my venture into the city....

I did have a job where one of the bosses was not any fun to be around at all. Constantly harassing the secretary verbally and expecting me to laugh with him... But it paid for survival. So, in this sense my life was stressed and very uncertain. Except my parents were actually very loving, in my childhood. It's just that they had been extremely stressed, themselves__ Looking at it now, decades later, (while i have long studied things carefully). I don't feel obliged to belong to any group, but indeed the search for acceptance was key to me. I also wanted to be independent and upstanding...

My experience occurred out on the sidewalk, while walking home. Suddenly i felt the "spirally experience" in my lower belly. I started to feel like i was floating off the sidewalk, in bliss. Joy along with unexplained acceptance, was the main thing. Peers in those days acted as though males should not express love however. We had to act strong and remain silent. So it was peculiar. NYC people never looked you in the eye, which was unloving, but also, somehow, allowing of self esteem.

After getting home, and dazing off to sleep-- I left my body very briefly it seemed. I felt i was reaching up to a door of knowledge, just ready to open it up. Then a loud bang hit my ear. It seemed i had fallen back on my bed, sweating and alarmed. I figured it must have been a gun shot next door. Experience ended there. It was sort of philosophically-spiritual, but at the same time stressed out city living.

I wouldn't particularly recommend it to others. Yet i'm confident there are many sorts of experiences to have. I don't expect it is advisable to "buy into" any experience which might be offered here or there... I spent much of my life getting trapped in promises like that. I'd advise going for natural evolvement, of oneself. As self takes up disciplines of learning. Learning things which provide one a proper sense of evolvement. Which self is more likely to seek and find. Yet, perhaps most people would seek guidance for everything-- Which amends and restricts my advise for dynamic minds only. For people who spontaneously advance in that way.

**My experience of the first paragraph, was not a prize to show off. Rather, i expect experiences like this can be a form control from external, adept beings. Beings adept with a particular aspect of human energy systems. Beings whose identity and purpose, may or may not be known to the experiencer. Is it benign or detrimental or somewhere between? I think each attitude is possible and may be felt as a blessing or as a curse or something personalized, according to the experiencer.

There are varieties of meditation out there. I always morphed my own practices, to suit my situation. Sane pursuits of mind, seem best to me and i leave it there. Build one's reality with care.
